
Monday, May 31, 2010

Sharing in a toddler's point of view

My husband and I taught (and constantly teaching) Lyle about sharing. "Share your toys with your baby brother", "Sharing is good" that's what we'll always say. This would be a perfect world if he will just do as we say and would always let his brother play with his toys. When Lance wants to play with the toys he is playing he will put it under the chair or table where his brother can't reach it - this is the reason why Lance is so good going under chairs and tables (see this very cute photo below) or sometimes he would give a toy to Lance but it's because it's not he's favorite and doesn't want it.

I remember a funny mommy experience, Lyle was playing with my umbrella  and I need to get it from him and when I'm taking it out of his hand he said "Mommy, share". He knows the concept of sharing its just that share means sharing things to him and not him sharing things to others. I did let him play with the umbrella because the moment called to lead by example. Sharing is a skill that develops over some years. Knowing that Lyle is just acting his age helps to keep us sane =) We just need to be patient and keep on teaching him and soon he'll get the knack of it. 


Grace said...

That's very true. Same experience with my 3 year old son. We really have a lot to teach them.

Lei said...

It's very comforting to know that i share same experiences with other moms like you =)

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