
Friday, October 8, 2010

First Attempt to bake brownies - FAILED

I've been wanting to learn how to bake for so long and today is the day that I said to myself that I will bake brownies and will try the recipe that my friend Cel has given me a long time ago. I also found this online recipe which is quite similar to my friend's recipe.Well, the preparations and the mixing I can say that I didn't had any problem. I followed the measurements of each ingredients and each and every steps in the recipe. And I thought that this isn't hard as I thought and I'm having fun preparing and mixing the batter. The smell and the look of the batter is good and it also taste good. So I poured the batter into the pan and put it inside the preheated oven. The temperature was set as indicated in the recipe. After about 10mins after I left the pan inside the oven I saw smoke coming out of the oven and the smell of something burning is starting to spread in the kitchen. I immediately turned off the oven and take out the pan and saw what happened - it really broke my heart. The upper layer has turned black and the bottom is still uncooked. My mom said I should still put it inside the oven and just lower the temperature so that the inner portion will be cooked. Below how my first baking product looks like (yeah, I know it doesn't look appealing).

Hubby said it's because our oven's temperature isn't precise anymore. It's hotter than what I expected it to be. But not minding how this looks then removing the top layer, the brownie still taste good and my mom and sister agree =)

My first attempt at baking is a FAILURE but this doesn't stop me from doing this again and try to make a better version of it. There are no mistakes or failures, only lessons.

Here's some tips I googled which will be of great help the next time I try to bake brownies -

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