
Thursday, February 3, 2011

it's been a while

I'm here staring blankly at my monitor, thinking of what to write. Actually there are lot's of things that had happened and there are so many things goin' thru my mind. It's just that these past months I didn't have the time to write or I must say it correctly, I didn't make time to write and update this blog. I feel that I lost the 'fire' or the excitement in blogging. I told myself, maybe I'm just going thru a 'phase' (which has been going on for so many months now). I really wanted to be back and make this blog come back to life again. Yeah, I know that task falls into my hands =)

Just some updates about some major recent happenings, we moved to a new house still at Yishun just a few blocks away from our old house. Lance is now more active and keeping up with his kuya's 'likot'. Lyle is getting more and more talkative and he can now narrate stories - some he made up and some about things that already happened. He had lost his front tooth the other day, which is a memorable day because I played the role of a dentist.. hehe. We hired a yaya, whom I'm thankful because my kids didn't have a hard time adjusting. Thanks to my friend Cel who recommended her to us. So far so good, we had a good start for this new year. Praying and hoping for the best for the rest of the year and coming years!

Family Picture taken last January 1, 2011
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